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Schillerkopf, 2.006 m | Bürserberg

Am Gipfel des Schillerkopfs angekommen
Start beim Wanderparkplatz Tschengla mit Blick auf die Mondspitze
Blick hinauf Richtung Gipfel des Schillerkopfes
Blick hinüber Richtung Gipfel der Mondspitze
Kurz vor dem Gipfel bei der Abzweigung auf den Steig
Wanderwegenetz Vorarlberg
Mountain Hike

A varied mountain hike across meadows, through woods and over rocky terrain up to the 2,006 m high Schillerkopf.

Start this mountain hike at the Tschengla hiking parking lot. From there, follow the goods road for a short distance and then continue on the hiking trail across alpine meadows and forests up towards Schillersattel. The hiking trail repeatedly crosses the "Alte Statt" goods road before you tackle the ascent to the Schillersattel. At the Schillersattel you have the possibility to make a detour to the Mondspitze (additional walking time to the summit: 25 min). From the Schillersattel, the path up to the summit of the Schillerkopf becomes a bit more challenging, but opens up great views of the natural monument "Kessiloch". On the last few meters towards the summit, a taut steel cable serves as a safety measure; sure-footedness and a head for heights are a prerequisite here. At the top, a fabulous view of the surrounding mountains and valleys opens up to you. The first part of the way back follows the same path until you reach a parting of the ways a little below the summit. There you branch off and descend via the relatively steep climb. At the bottom of the goods road follow the signs back to the Tschengla plateau.

4:30 h


Hiking parking lot Tschengla - goods path - footpath - several times crossing the goods path "Alte Statt" - Schillersattel - Schillerkopf - descent via Steig - goods path - footpath - hiking parking lot Tschengla



Best time of year



Sturdy shoes, sun and rain protection, snack, filled water bottle, first aid kit and hiking poles are recommended. Mobile phone in case of emergency.

Safety information

140 Alpine emergencies Austria-wide
144 Alpine emergencies Vorarlberg
112 Euro-emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)

Public transport

Bus line 580 to stop "Bürserberg Gemeinde", continue with Tschenglabus

Timetable information online at

Tour facts

Data source
vcloud, ID 1a20c897-617e-4e1f-b85c-d4df928b5501
Last updated
05.09.2024, 14:39:14