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On the tracks of the Bregenzerwälder architecture | Mellau - Andelsbuch - Schnepfegg - Mellau

E-Biken in Mellau
Betonei in Andelsbuch
Bezegg Sul
E-Biken in Mellau
Kapelle im Engevorsäß in Mellau
Kindergarten und Dorfsaal in Mellau mit Kanisfluh
Radfahren im Bregenzerwald
Schnepfegg mit Blick auf die Kanisfluh
Werkraumhaus Andelsbuch Außenansicht
Wilbinger Kapelle Arche

Six pretty villages with beautiful old and new timber architecture are located along the cycle route. Starting with breakfast in Mellau, the trip will proceed to Andelsbuch and then across the more physically demanding stretch across the Bezegg to Bezau. The cycle trip will then continue through Bizau to Schnepfegg for lunch and back to Mellau for dessert.

The day of cycling commences with a leisurely super breakfast at the Hotel Bären’s Café Deli. Ride from the centre of Mellau along the cycle path to Bezau until you reach the main crossroads. Turn at the Ellenbogen parcel on to the cycle path that runs on the right side of the Bregenzerache. Once there, follow the old country road to the Kapelle Arche (Chapel). The cycle path then continues to the left through Bezau Forest to Bersbuch. The route continues along the former Bregenzerwaldbahn's old railway line to the Werkraumhaus in Andelsbuch. From there, it’s back past the Betonei (Concrete Egg) art project before turning left on to a freight trail just before the Bezegg reservoir that will take you up to the Bezegg (780 m). This is an old pass to Bezau, which used to have special significance due to the location of the town hall of the former ‘Wälderrepublik’ (‘Forest Republic'). The Bezegg-Sul was erected in commemoration in 1871.

In Bezau, follow the main road to the Ellenbogen parcel and turn on to the cycle path to Bizau. Turn left on to a gravel path just after the Bad Reuthe municipal pool. The route continues along the Ulfernbach to the village centre and the kindergarten in Bizau. Follow the road up to Schnepfegg for a regional lunch that will be served at Berghaus Kanisfluh.

It’s back downhill to Schnepfau after lunch and along the cycle path back to Mellau. You’ll pass the Vordere Enge Vorsäß. Coffee and cake will be served at Hotel Die Wälderin. The bike trip carries on to the final architectural highlight of the day: the ‘Weiler Tempel’ at the centre of Mellau and the village hall built in 2018.

3:00 h



Best time of year



(E)-mountain bike, bike clothing, helmet, sunglasses, sunscreen, windcheater, water bottle

Safety information


140 Alpine Emergencies in Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies in Vorarlberg

112 Euro-Emergency (works with all mobile services)

Tour facts

Data source
vcloud, ID 62a248d5-5213-4670-8582-5f8f507d9c9a
Last updated
05.09.2024, 14:39:14